Mastering Student Evaluation
In education, there has long been dissatisfaction with an evaluation that has been methodologically inflexible and uncertain or misguided as to its role. Continuous evaluation is the mechanism through which learning can become consciously experiential. For many teachers, decisions to the assessment of the students’ learning are equally an important part of their work. To carry out these tasks, teachers need more access to different assessment techniques and instruments. Further, student assessment is a critical aspect of the teaching and learning process. It helps teachers to measure the effectiveness of teaching with student performance and specific learning objectives. The process not only enables teachers to measure the effectiveness of their teaching process but also enhances teaching pedagogy in the classroom.
This assessment system is facing many challenges that need to be understood and addressed for better learning outcomes. Such assessments can be either internal or external. The internal assessment is performed by the in-house faculties and external is carried out by faculties of educational boards. This helps to recognize the capability of the student. The two types of assessment systems are formative and summative. Formative is about continuous feedback on the student performance whereas summative is to assess the student performance at the end
A few challenges of such process are:-
Grading process: - A teacher provide the grades to students based on tests, exams, projects, etc. The challenge is there is no way developed for students’ evaluation and grading techniques. Further, lack of transparency and no flexibility in the evaluation system are also part of such challenges.
Teacher’s assessment issues: - Teachers play a major role in assessing students’ performance. They are loaded by the administration department of the school to finish the syllabus in a short period. This systematic rule is taking away the freedom and autonomy of the teachers. Also, with the introduction of multiple assessments in schools in the form of presentations, projects, tests, etc., teachers themselves have to put a lot of effort into planning for the assessment procedures.
Lack of training: - Sometimes, there is a lack of training for new strategies. Educational institutions are providing inadequate training to the teachers in this field, as they don’t think this is of much importance.
Further, below are some solutions that can help master the challenges of the student evaluation process:-
Brainstorming: - It is a process of creating new ideas through group discussions. Each student is expected to think and deliver their opinion in front of the group itself. For initializing this process, teachers are to present an open-ended question; along with jotting down the point expressed or conveyed by the students.
Usage of Informal observation: - Observing students throughout the school time can provide important insight into the learning need and progress. Informal observations alert teachers about the key areas of such students that can’t be acquired through written tests.
Decision making: - With providing students with a situation that they need to work upon can increase their thinking capability and self-confidence. This process will involve furnishing the responsibility of solving important issues with students.
Quizzes and game-type activities: - Quizzes are ideal for measuring results across a wide audience. One benefit of the quiz is they are short and easy. Also, one can easily contrast results with the help of a quiz test. Quizzes can be taken in form of multiple-choice questions, fill-ups, and hotspots. Similarly, game-type activities are fun and not ‘test’; therefore they generally present a fair and true skill and knowledge. Schools have researched that high-achieving students enjoy competing with their peers in these types of games.
To conclude, although student evaluation can be a robust activity; but following the right techniques can make it very effortless and effective in various ways.