Mon-Sat 9am-7pm
Self-reflective exercises and conduct unique assessment plans, psychometric, EQ, IQ analysis and help you arrive at the most suitable career choice(s).
“Gain Clarity” to finally make the perfect career choice, based on your authentic talents, skills, values, beliefs and visions.
Obtain genuine, detailed and instant career mapping and fitment analysis computed by Artificial Intelligence, Psychometrics, advanced Algorithms and other advanced technologies at play to create career maps and make career recommendations.
Pacify your curiosity related to your field of interest ranging from career options to the student(s) life related issues.
Access to a vast and up to date repository on extant and emerging career options across the globe.
With advanced technology in play, delve deep to assess your needs and personality to get customised solutions at an individual level ensuring a win-win situation.
Drive students to prepare their career roadmap including courses, colleges, entrances and set goals for the academic year through individual career blueprint.
Workshops by Career and Domain Experts on career planning, course selection, holistic development and career awareness about career opportunities and trending career options.
Well-researched blogs and curated career notifications to build career awareness, coupled with extensive online support from leading career coaches.
Career Assessment + Counselling
Career Assessment + Counselling
A career is too fundamental to your happiness to leave for others to decide on your behalf. You are capable of making the choice of how your career plays out over the years. But amazingly, that is not the case with most of us. Your career needs to be your choice. You need to retain the power over how your career plays out. Anything this fundamental to your well-being needs to be a conscious decision.
A 40 year career is the single largest financial investment you will ever make in your life. That is why you need to maximize your control over it.
Chance plays an important role in everyone's career, but career counselling is regarded as a process designed to eliminate chance from career decision making. Our Career counselling interventions prepare students for career uncertainties. Work world shifts challenge career counsellors to adopt a counselling intervention that views unplanned events as both inevitable and desirable.
So, why is it, that while your career is one of your most valuable assets, most people are still reluctant to take control of it and expect it to be managed by someone else?
Career Guidance will advise you about: -your career planning strategy - how to find information you need - how to get around obstacles - how to go about planning your current and long term education and training.
Call us at +91 9205084085, Monday - Friday, 9 am - 7 pm