Importance of Mental Health
In such turbulent times that exist today, good mental health is the need of the hour. Good mental health isn't just good psychological state. It's much more and very deep; a mental health professional will clarify. It involves emotions, social relations, strength of character, behaviors, general personality traits and a lot more. It basically is strong mindedness and emotional stability. A strong mind has courage, confidence, control, determination and willpower whereas proper emotions enable one to behave reasonably with oneself and others. When all criteria are fulfilled, a happy successful person results who's a boon for the world.
Why is good mental health important? It's pretty obvious. Good mental health is most required because it paves way for physical and emotional health. You've got to win your mind before you win anything else because the thoughts are what a person really is. Fear and negative thinking result in nothing but failure, hence a positive mind is the only saviour. Good mental health keeps one's life balanced and busy, where there's good time management and motivation and happiness. It helps one perform in school, college, career or life. It prevents bad habits such as drinking, smoking etc and empowers good habits for efficient effective lives. For the well-being of the family and acceptance by others, good mentality is essential. There are times along the way when difficulties arise and clarity of mind is lost like when a loved one dies, addictions dominate or expectations are not met. To overcome such circumstances, focusing on mental health is key. A number of movies are made on mental health these days which often talk about mental illnesses and their negative effects. Such movies and documentaries inform and explain the unknown. A very good example of the positive effects of good mental health would be Captain Cool MS Dhoni. A controlled mind with controlled emotions and behavior can indeed take one really far, in sport and other fields as well. Handling the pressures with total self-confidence is the real deal, and Dhoni's perfect character got India the World Cup in 2011 after 28 years, apart from the T20 trophy in 2007. He has truly been an inspiration, a true leader. Good mental health requires nothing but basics in life- proper diet, regular exercise, mental activity and stress control. World Mental Health Day is observed on 10th October each year, which focuses on mental health and stresses its significance in today's world.
Good mental health can transform one's life. It can turn the poor into rich, the ugly into beautiful and the bad into good. It is the foundation on which all heights are possible. Counselors, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals help achieve a mind which can perform and direct. At Remarkable Education, we care for your mental health and provide guidance that matters most.