childhood and student
Top 3 reasons to choose Career Counselling
Gone are the days of conventional training and learning methods, now is the time to chase your aspirations and what you wish to do. One’s career development starts in their early childhood and continues until their lifetime. Be it a student or his/ her parents both lay under the same umbrella of confusion to choose the right yielding path.
Cambridge International Dictionary of English defines Career as “the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money.” A career is the most important aspect in one’s life, should be given utmost importance as well. A common question with confusing answers, “How to choose the best and right career that proves fruitful for the individual in future”. Imagine a situation if M.S. Dhoni continued to be a Ticket Collector at the railway station, Mr. Narendra Modi still selling tea, and the King of Bollywood- Shah Rukh Khan teaching Economics at Hansraj College... the World would have to remain unacquainted with these greatest and powerful personalities. Just choosing the interest area or opting for what others are doing does not decode and decide the right track.
Each individual is different: So what is right for one may not be right for others too. It is based on several factors such as abilities, strengths/ weaknesses, and education of an individual. Therefore, one should seek professional guidance before deciding upon disparate careers.
Discovering your passion: Effective counseling enlightens students discover their passion and also assists in selecting the right career path. Further Career Counsellors help individuals select and build a rewarding, satisfying & fulfilling career. They not only provide clarity on goals but also evade future confusion and regrets in the best possible ways.
Choosing the right subjects: So whether you are in a dilemma to decide what to choose in beginning or after High School, selecting subjects after boards, completed college and further wish to study, looking for a new job and all those end numbers of doubts, counselors are there for you.
Remarkable Education ensures that you have stability and don’t end up screwing your future by making wrong choices. Our experts lend a helping hand to students & working professionals and make them realize their hidden talents, potential and then opt for the right career paths.